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Tag search results for: "buoyancy"
admin paid

In recent years, linear generators have been employed to harness wave energy.

This actually uses gravity for power. But the most effective way to tap gravity would be to orient the generator vertically, underwater.

Buoyancy is actually produced by gravity, which makes water pressure increase as depth increases. Instead of accelerating, objects decelerate as they sink. If the water is deep enough, and density of object is not too high, the object will stop before it hits bottom. At this equilibrium point, the object is weightless!?

Any decrease in density of object will cause it to float up. Potentially faster than it sank!? The amount of energy required to pump in enough air would be very low, overcoming deep water pressure notwithstanding.

This provides an idea of the potential energy associated with buoyancy.

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admin Jul 25 '22, 07:39 · Comments: 4 · Tags: free energy, linear generator, buoyancy, gravbuoy(tm)

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