Legendary Orange County philosophy teacher.
Pierre Grimes, PhD, is a specialist in classical Greek philosophy. He is
the founder of the American Philosophical Practitioners Association. He
is also founder of the Noetic Society in the Los Angeles area. He is
author of Philosophical Midwifery: A New Paradigm for Understanding
Human Problems, Socrates and Jesus: A Dialogue in Heaven, and
Unblocking: Removing Block to Understanding. He is also a decorated
veteran of the second world war.
Here he discusses his early philosophical explorations, starting in
He encountered the philosophical teachings of the ancient Greeks
as well as a variety of different Asian approach to philosophy. In the
mid-1950s, as the result of a dream experience, he had a taste of the
"divine illumination" as described by Plato. Later psychedelic
experiences enabled him to recapture and sustain this experience. He
also reviews the history of philosophical encounters with mind-altering
New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities. (Recorded on April 16, 2018)
In Conversation with Dr. Nagaswamy, Eminent Archaeologist & Scholar #23
Sanatana Dharma is Best Option for Humanity - A Talk by Maria Wirth
Karolina Goswami ji of the popular YouTube channel "India in Details" shares her experiences of being a woman in India, and contextually explains pre-colonial attitudes and realities to women in India.
Difference between Christianity & Hinduism: Repent, You're a Sinner vs. Awaken! You're Divine!
There's a prevalent myth circulating in modern atheistic times, and
that's that all religions are the same, all lead to the same goal, and
all are equal. In this video, I reveal the major differences between the
religion I was born into and the one I've discovered.
The 21 day program to awaken your body's ability to produce it's own
food is called Nirahara Samyama, and you can join from wherever you are,
free of cost, by getting in touch with Swamiji's committed volunteers
here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/31528...
If you're ready to experience pure Hindu tradition in the direct energy
field of a living incarnation, which also just so happens to be my home,
come to Inner Awakening! I look forward to meeting you there:
Want to come to Inner Awakening, but need some help? Get Swamiji's
direct blessings to overcome any obstacle, and let me know in a comment
that you want to come! I'll be more than happy to help. http://innerawakening.org/intention/
Sadhguru at Columbia University, New York - Youth and Truth, Apr 29, 2019
On 29 April, 2019, Sadhguru was at Columbia University, New York as part
of the Youth and Truth movement. Watch the vibrant QnA session that
followed as Sadhguru answered students’ questions on a wide range of
Aryan Race & Hindu Fascism: Decolonizing Romila Thapar 3/5
Prof Thapar claims that Hindus believe in the Aryan Race theory, and their modern ideas originated in Italian Fascism. She criticizes the BJP governments for suppressing intellectual freedom of her peers. After each of the clips shown, I give my rejoinder. Watch the part 2, "History, Critical Thinking & Autonomy", here: http://bit.ly/HistoryAndCriticalThinking Watch other episodes in this series here: http://bit.ly/DecolonizingRomilaThapar