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SWR02 Sep 3 '17, 00:21
You can't be happy if you aren't healthy. If you aren't happy, you probably won't concern yourself with being holy. Natural healing methods are safe and often much more effective, while costing much less.

Core issue: Corporations are not competent stewards of your health. They want you to seek temporary happiness buying their poison. They do not want you to live a holy life. We'd be better off if the powers that shouldn't be were only feeding us a crock of BS.

The Forum post is edited by SWR02 Sep 3 '17, 05:34
SWR02 Sep 3 '17, 00:28
GMOs Revealed EPISODE 1 Dr. Zach Bush, Vani Hari, Gunnar Lovelace
TOPICS: Glyphosate impacts and effects Changes in our food supply and the consequential domino effect on our health Innovations in food supply to avoid GMOs.
GMOs Revealed full series here:  http://gmosrevealed.com


The Forum post is edited by SWR02 Sep 3 '17, 00:41
SWR02 Sep 3 '17, 01:01
The Most Sacred Plant
sacred plant ep1 link: https://youtu.be/wb0fcOoemNc
Welcome to the first episode of the eye-opening documentary series "The Sacred Plant: Healing Secrets Exposed". This episode is entitled: The Sacred Plant...Revealed. This is the largest and most comprehensive series ever produced on the topic of plant medicine. Each episode was up 24 hours to watch FREE, starting June 7th. We showed 7 episodes in 7 days. And we really need your help! Who do you know who wants or needs this information? Please share this eye-opening information with everyone you know or just send them the link to this page. If you or a loved one is looking to prevent, treat and even beat a life threatening disease, this eye-opening docu-series will provide you with the tools you need to make informed and empowered decisions about the health of you and your family. What you'll learn in this episode: * You’ll discover the name of The Sacred Plant as well as some background on it. * You’ll meet the doctors who appear throughout the series. * You’ll learn about a new system in the body that was only recently discovered and how it works together with The Sacred Plant. * You’ll hear about “The War on The Sacred Plant” — how it started and how it has negatively affected millions of people. * Plus, you’ll meet Amber, Kristin, and Patricia and hear their personal stories, including what they suffer from and how The Sacred Plant has helped them. Watch entire series for free now via m3u attachment.
The Forum post is edited by SWR02 Sep 5 '17, 23:26
  tsp.m3u (1Kb)
admin paid
admin Sep 3 '17, 07:51
Forced vaccinations are corporate love.

Fast-Tracking Mandatory Vaccination While Government and Media Muzzle Scientists

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Fast-Tracking Mandatory Vaccination While Government and Media Muzzle Scientists

Originally published on worldmercuryproject.org.

Turning their backs on the human rights principle of voluntary informed consent memorialized in the Nuremberg Code after World War II, health authorities in France and Italy are fast-tracking involuntary vaccine mandates for school-age children.

In Italy, millions of Italians have been demonstrating since June, protesting the infringements to parental rights. On July 28, industry-beholden Italian legislators voted 296-92 to pass a one-size-fits-all law that mandates multiple doses of ten vaccines for preschoolers through teenagers, imposing steep fines for parents who do not comply. Mainstream media outlets in both Italy and the US ignored the record protests against medical coercion.

Why Italy? And why now? Italy’s pharmaceutical sector is one of the largest in the world. Vaccines are big business, and the new vaccine mandate ensures the continued flow of profits to the $32 billion industry despite steady erosion of public confidence in vaccine safety. A recent survey found widespread doubts among Italian and French citizens about the importance and safety of vaccines. A cascade of recent scientific studies have described the emergence of new vaccine-related autoimmune illnesses and the inferior health status of vaccinated compared to unvaccinated children. Furthermore, a slate of films, news reports and government investigations have exposed widespread corruption among vaccine regulators, government efforts to hide serious vaccine-related adverse reactions and intimidation of scientists who publish data contrary to the orthodoxy that all vaccines are always safe for all children.

Kill the Messenger

One important study, published in early 2017 in the International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination by two highly regarded Italian scientists, raises alarming new questions about quality control by vaccine manufacturers with implications for the vaccine safety debate. (The World Mercury Project previously summarized the study here.) Coauthored by physicist Antonietta Gatti and pharmacist Stefano Montanari, the study uncovered the nearly universal presence in vaccines of “micro-, sub-micro- and nanosized inorganic foreign bodies” and “debris”—ingredients not declared in the package inserts.

In a reasonable world, the startling finding that vaccines are widely contaminated with heavy metal particulates would be front-page news, and the two researchers who discovered the contamination would be hailed as diligent scientists dedicated to improving vaccine safety. Instead, Drs. Gatti and Montanari have become targets for violent threats on Facebook. Accusers denounce their meticulous laboratory work as “pseudoscience” and call for the two scientists to be “beaten until they bleed,” “punched,” “kicked” and “taken out of commission” so as to make them “understand that they need to remain silent.”

An army of pharmaceutical industry trolls and bloggers have pressured the badly shaken journal editor to “unpublish” the study, which was published after a rigorous peer review process. Although these tactics have succeeded in rattling the editor, the article stands. Gatti and Montanari believe so strongly in the integrity of their findings that they have made known that they will sue if the journal takes down the paper.

Despite the passion of their attacks, industry bloggers have been hard pressed to find substantive fault with Gatti/Montanari’s methodologies. An industry flack, Guido Silvestri, working at a vaccine center in Atlanta, took a bungling shot at the Gatti-Montanari study on Italian Facebook by misapplying a nineteenth-century law of chemistry called Avogadro’s number. Silvestri misinterpreted Avogadro’s law, which applies only to gases and cannot calculate nanoparticle concentrations. According to Drs. Gatti and Montanari, the medical doctor “erred by 13 orders of magnitude but did not even understand his own mistake.”

Why the Vaccine Contaminant Study is Important

Gatti and Montanari work in the emerging fields of nanopathology and nanotoxicology. The two researchers coined the term “nanopathology” in the early 2000s after finding that nanoparticles (particles less than 100 nanometers in size) “induce far more severe [health] effects” than larger particles. As they explain, the minute size makes it “extremely easy” for the particles to infiltrate the body’s tissues.

Drs. Gatti and Montanari used cutting-edge electron microscope technology to physically examine inorganic, particulate contaminants in vaccines and identify their chemical composition. They assessed 44 vaccines manufactured in Italy and France (43 human vaccines and one veterinary vaccine), taking pains to include different types, batches and years of production. In every human vaccine, Gatti and Montanari found wide-ranging contamination, including minute particles of lead or stainless steel in all of the vaccine samples analyzed; chromium in over half (25/44); tungsten in almost a fifth (8/44); and many other varieties of metallic particles.

Ironically, the single veterinary vaccine tested as “clean,” proving that it is possible to manufacture a debris-free vaccine. Gatti and Montanari believe that the pristine hog vaccine is a homage to ham, a sacred culinary and agricultural product in Italy. Hog farmers, aware that aluminum adjuvants in vaccines harm their meat, had enough clout to successfully lobby for uncontaminated veterinary vaccines.

One of the study’s most sobering findings was the detection of “organic-inorganic composites” that represent a “nano-bio-interaction” between the inorganic particulate matter and the organic (protein) vaccine components. Gatti and Montanari believe that the immune system is permanently damaged by these composite particles, which constitute “a bigger-sized compound that is not biodegradable and can induce adverse effects,” including both immediate and deferred autoimmune problems.

The Questions We Should Be Asking

Dr. Gatti has considered several hypotheses about the origins of the vaccine contamination, including shoddy line protocols in the manufacturing process. According to Gatti, “The facilities need to be really clean to ensure that dust and pollutants do not find their way into the vaccines. If the labs do not have proper filtration, then this kind of contamination is very possible. And unfortunately, there are no regulations requiring manufacturers to do this kind of quality control, even though the manufacturers know that there is something wrong.” In short, the manufacturers “see no need to spend more money on quality control.”

Gatti and Montanari see an urgent need for more studies of the association between the debris and vaccine-related adverse events. “We still don’t know whether the kinds of adverse events that result from vaccines are the result of the aluminum adjuvants or the nano-bio interactions or something else. That is why it is so important to study the effects of the nano-bio materials inside the blood and body.”

Exposure via injection is known to induce toxicity reactions as compared to inhalation or ingestion. A study in mice found that exposure route was a crucial factor influencing toxicity and that orally administered compounds exhibited a “decrease of toxicity…as compared with injection route.” Scientists agree that “engineered metal-based nanoparticles can translocate to tissues,” and, in Gatti’s and Montanari’s view, when they enter the body via injection, “they stay there forever.”

Another point is that the barrage of toxic adjuvants and ingredients in vaccines (including aluminum and thimerosalformaldehydeantibiotics and “adjuvant systems” involving squalene and polysorbate 80) “have a synergistic action, thus…enhancing their aggressive potential.” Toxicologists know that, with toxins, one plus one rarely equals two but, in Dr. Gatti’s words, “always a higher number.”

Finally, Dr. Gatti observes that “the contaminants might not be homogenously distributed within a given batch of vaccines. For example, the bottom of the batch might be more contaminated than the top, which could explain why some people don’t have reactions and other people do.”

Drs. Gatti and Montanari outline a number of research topics that should form the basis of serious efforts to improve vaccine safety:

  • Meaningfully study the adverse health effects of aluminum adjuvants
  • Analyze the brains of infants who die immediately following vaccination
  • Continue to monitor micro- and nanoparticle contamination in new and existing vaccines
  • Conduct animal model studies to assess the effects of micro- and nanoparticle contamination
  • Assess the injection process itself, given the use of metallic syringes polished with tungsten carbide that may leave some metallic residue
Follow the Money

Unfortunately, in Italy, as in the United States, serious studies of vaccine safety face practically insurmountable headwinds. Italy’s Minister of Health, Beatrice Lorenzin, has explicitly “forbidden” any research on nanoparticles in vaccines. Lorenzin aggressively pushed passage of the law mandating children’s vaccines. Lorenzin, a former journalist, has no formal education beyond ordinary high school. Gatti and Montanari point out that she has “no knowledge of chemistry or biology.” They add, “If you mention the nanoparticle research to her, she gets mad.” According to the two researchers, Lorenzin “does not understand science, but she understands money” and relies for guidance on Dr. Ranieri Guerra, the Ministry of Health’s Director General for Prevention. Guerra served on the board of Italy’s Smith Kline Foundation. The Smith Kline Foundation receives financial support from founding partner GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). Consumer advocacy organizations and legislators in Italy have harshly criticized Guerra for conflicts of interest.

Fast-Tracking Mandatory Vaccination While Government and Media Muzzle Scientists

Italians protest mandatory vaccinations – July,2017

A year before the passage of the new vaccine mandate, an April 2016 news report indicated that GSK-Italy was “doubling down” on its vaccine portfolio and “betting 1 billion euros on Italy.” The drug company is beefing up a vaccine research and development hub in Siena and a vaccine manufacturing plant in Rosia. The article quoted the global president of GSK Vaccines, who characterized GSK’s vaccine branch as a “motor of innovation” and guarantor of the company’s long-term sustainability. The same GSK executive described Italy’s pivotal role as a vaccine research and production hub as “a not insignificant step” toward further “progress” in the vaccine marketplace.

Italian officials have historically been important supporters of aggressive vaccine policies. In 2009–2010, the Italian government (via the taxpayers) purchased 24 million bird flu vaccines that were never used. The unused vaccines were thrown away but, says Dr. Montanari, “the companies made a lot of money.” Referring to this situation as a “flop,” the Italian newspaper La Repubblica reported that the country was left holding the bag for the cost of the unused vaccines while the apparent “pandemic” evaporated into thin air.

Dr. Montanari views the new vaccine law as both a social and medical experiment: “The government and the pharmaceutical industry want to see what happens when 60 million people are forced to be vaccinated.”

Fast-Tracking Mandatory Vaccination While Government and Media Muzzle Scientists


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is an American radio host, environmental activist, author and attorney specializing in environmental law. Learn more

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.

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SWR02 Sep 5 '17, 23:58
Sacred Plant encourages us with our endeavors, which are to make essential info available free! FULL MMJ SERIES m3u

The Forum post is edited by SWR02 Sep 6 '17, 00:00
SWR02 Sep 13 '17, 22:46
Discussion of vaccines, GMOs, and pesticides.

thkelly67 Published on Sep 1, 2017

The Vaccine Cult, Sick Care, Depopulation and the Secret Society
The Forum post is edited by SWR02 Sep 13 '17, 22:49
SWR02 Nov 26 '17, 06:36
Founder of non profit “Unlocking Autism” found dead in canal ruled days later as accident

Beck was traveling with her son, who is autistic. Police say she went outside to smoke but never came back. The next night, police found her deceased in a canal behind the Rodeway Inn where they were staying. 1 Police said almost immediately they do not suspect foul play, which many experts have found absurd.


The Forum post is edited by SWR02 Nov 26 '17, 06:37
SWR02 Dec 13 '17, 07:15
"...findings are consistent with the theoretical link between breath control, intra-abdominal pressure, and lumbar segmental control."


Individuals with low back pain breathe differently than healthy individuals during a lifting task.

Hagins M1, Lamberg EM.

Author information


Case control, repeated-measures, experimental laboratory study.


To determine if, during a whole-body lifting task, individuals with low back pain (LBP) breathe differently than age-matched controls.


Breath control may be optimized to provide increased intersegmental control of the lumbar spine through the generation of intra-abdominal pressure. Consequently, impairments in respiratory and trunk muscle coordination during lifting tasks may contribute to the occurrence or maintenance of LBP.


Participants without LBP (n = 30) were matched by gender and age with those presenting with chronic mechanical LBP (n = 32) of at least 1 year in duration. Participants completed a total of 8 self-paced lifts of a crate from the floor to a table, with the crate empty during 4 of the lifts and loaded to 25% of the participant's body weight during 4 of the lifts. The amount of volume in the lungs, measured as a percentage of the individual's vital capacity (%VC), was identified at 9 points during the lifting task. A 2 × 2 × 2 × 9 (group by gender by load by time) mixed-model analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), with age as the covariate, was used to identify differences among conditions and groups of %VC used during the lift.


Individuals with LBP performed the lifting task with more volume in their lungs (48.2 %VC) than healthy peers (40.9 %VC). Age significantly affected %VC used during the lift: with increasing age, participants with LBP increased inspired volume and participants without LBP decreased inspired volume.


Individuals with LBP performed a lifting task with more inhaled lung volume than individuals without LBP. These findings are consistent with the theoretical link between breath control, intra-abdominal pressure, and lumbar segmental control.


[Indexed for MEDLINE]

please forward
SWR02 Nov 17 '18, 04:30
SWR02 Jul 14 '19, 13:19

Dr. Bergman spoke at a conference for chiropractors on the importance of education. The more we educate those around us about the body's ability to heal, the more lives we can save!


SWR02 May 7 '20, 00:54


Lies, Damned Lies, and Government Nutrition Advice

SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/nutrition/ ;

Nutrition science is almost always a hot, steaming pile of contradictory nonsense. How much worse, then, that our eating habits and dietary guidelines are shaped by the government (and its corporate string-pullers)? Join James for this extra tasty, sugar-free, all organic, non-GMO edition of The Corbett Report.


The Forum post is edited by SWR02 May 7 '20, 00:57
SWR02 Jul 10 '20, 16:48

This is the complete 10 part video series: Part 1 - Introduction; Part 2 - Health Effects of Boron; Part 3 - The Arthritis Cure of Rex Newnham; Part 4 - Osteoporosis and Sex Hormones; Part 5 - Fungi and Fluoride; Part 6 - Calcium Magnesium Metabolism; Part 7 - What and How Much to Use; Part 8 - Removing Fluoride as well as Treating Candida Fungi, and Microplasmas; Part 9 - Toxicity Issues; and Part 10 - The Assault on Borax.

Boron is a type of earth element that has many beneficial health uses, but one of the best things it does is raise the Alkaline Level of the body to put you into a PH Balance. The Rockefeller Medicine era states that NO NATURAL CURES or HERBAL REMEDIES will be allowed in modern medicine because they CAN NOT BE PATENTED FOR PROFIT. Therefore, the very inexpensive Boron found in Borax is the enemy of modern medicine. It is very inexpensive and can be used to treat or cure so man different human diseases, ailments, and conditions for pennies on the dollar. I have personally been consuming 1/4th of a teaspoon of Borax daily, and I see all kinds of benefits from using it. Below are some more links to many different Health websites that you can visit for much more information, after you have watched this very informative video.


The Flexner Report was a very useful tool commissioned by oil magnate John D. Rockefeller. Rockefeller had made a massive fortune with Standard Oil and was setting his sights on gaining a monopoly in the drug and pharmaceutical industry. The chemical biproducts created from oil refineries is the chemicals that are used in modern day pharmaceuticals. Rockefeller Medicine became known as ALLOPATHIC MEDICINE, so as to try to hide his involvement. To eliminate all forms of medicine that have been working on earth forever, first he had to get rid of the competition, which consisted of natural non-allopathic healing modalities – naturopathy, homeopathy, eclectic medicine (botanical and herbal medicine), holistic medicine, tribal medicines, etc. Hemp was also a threat to his plans, since cannabis has tremendous medical benefit – it can be used to alleviate pain for numerous diseases and even has anti-cancer properties. How did Rockefeller deal with this? By means of the Flexner Report and the creation of the American Medical Association (AMA).

Additional Research:




SergeantMajorsTrutherInfo on LBRY

SWR02 Feb 11 '21, 22:34

10min breathing lesson from The Iceman! Stress relief!

SWR02 Feb 25 '21, 23:34

Westin Price Foundation is TOP DRAWER!!!


The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) is your source for accurate information on nutrition and health, always aiming to provide the scientific validation of traditional foodways. People seeking health today often condemn certain food groups — such as grains, dairy foods, meat, salt, fat, sauces, sweets and nightshade vegetables — but the Wise Traditions Diet is inclusive, not exclusive.

We show you how to include all these nourishing traditional foods in your diet through wise choices and proper preparation techniques. The result is vibrant health for every age of life, including the next generation. Read more. . .

Watch this one minute video to learn more about Dr. Price’s work and our mission.

SWR02 Oct 13 '21, 23:20

David Noakes & Lyn Thyer : A Life Less Ordinary


Kata List Productions

1028 subscribers

From Ian R. Crane's Alternative View channel ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FC8E2zkE0OE&t=84s&ab_channel=AlternativeView

See also youtube "First Immune" channel... https://www.youtube.com/c/ImmunoBiotech/about

For more information please visit - https://gcmaf.se/

All healthy people have natural GcMAF inside them – it removes a number of diseases from the body including cancer without side effects. The immune system doesn’t function without it

The GcMAF in our bodies has six attacks on cancer, and 5 other direct effects that research publications have shown so far.

Without the GcMAF we make inside us every day, we would all have died of diseases while still children.

Serious illnesses like cancer, and many of those listed below, prevent production of your GcMAF, which also neutralises your immune system, so the disease can grow unchecked.

Since 2015, David Noakes & Lyn Thyer have been mercilessly persecuted by the Medicines & Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA), for the 'heinous crime' of developing an extremely effective Cancer Treatment (GcMAF).
One of their many clinical customers was Dr Geoffrey Bradstreet, who discovered that GcMAF was also extremely effective in treating Autism. Sadly, the day after the MHRA raided David Noakes' GcMAF Manufacturing facilities in the UK, Dr Bradstreet's clinic was raided by the Food & Drug Administration in the USA. One day later Dr Bradstreet was discovered face-down in a South Carolina river with a bullet wound in his chest ... later declared to be due to suicide!

David Noakes was convicted on producing and selling an unlicensed Medicinal product in November 2018. David subsequently served 6mths in Wandsworth Prison, being released shortly before this presentation was recorded. David is currently in Exeter Jail, having been advised that he will be extradited to France to face identical charges, on Monday 15th June 2020. Lyn Thyer was arrested and extradited to France in August 2019.


The Forum post is edited by SWR02 Oct 13 '21, 23:21
SWR02 Oct 16 '21, 21:18

You are what you eat.  


Indie Rights Movies For Free 36.1K subscribers Food As Medicine is a documentary film that follows the growing movement of using food to heal chronic illness and disease.

SWR02 Dec 12 '21, 00:20

Dhru Purohit 93.6K subscribers Gut health is at the forefront of complaints of Americans. Some 80% of our population now recognizes some disorder within the gastrointestinal tract—everything from reflux, to food allergies, to inflammatory bowel syndrome, and inflammatory bowel diseases—we are a suffering population when it comes to gut health.

In this episode of The Dhru Purohit Podcast, Dhru takes a deep dive into the topic of gut health with Dr. Zach Bush. They talk about how we are facing the largest disease epidemic in history due to the loss of microbiome diversity and that a connection to nature is our saving grace.

Zach Bush, MD, is a physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology, and hospice care. He is an internationally recognized educator and thought leader on the microbiome as it relates to health, disease, and food systems. Dr. Zach founded Seraphic Group and the non-profit Farmer’s Footprint to develop root-cause solutions for human and ecological health. His passion for education reaches across many disciplines, including topics such as the role of soil and water ecosystems in human genomics, immunity, and gut-brain health. His education has highlighted the need for a radical departure from chemical farming and pharmacy, and his ongoing efforts are providing a path for consumers, farmers, and mega-industries to work together for a healthy future for people and the planet.

In this episode, we dive into:

see source:


SWR02 Dec 15 '21, 02:16


Why we Got it Wrong - Fly Agaric 101: The Magical Mushroom (Amanita muscaria)


The Misunderstood Magical Mushroom - Amanita muscaria (Fly Agaric)


The Fantastical Delights of Fly Agaric // Fergus Drennan and Courtney Tyler

SWR02 Feb 9 '24, 23:53

Fauci Fought With Peter Navarro While Working With the Intelligence Community to Undercut Trump | Truth Over News

Views 17K • Feb-02-2024Last week we told you about some important new information we uncovered. These new discoveries prompted us to take a harder look at events in the first four months of the COVID-19 pandemic—creating an extensive timeline in the process. What we found surprised us.The sequence of events show a battle raging behind the scenes regarding the origins of COVID-19. The battle pitted former President Donald Trump and a few members of his administration against most of the intelligence community, many of President Trump’s own advisers—and Anthony Fauci.There was also a subplot—an ongoing battle between Trump adviser Peter Navarro and Anthony Fauci. The two men clashed often, but Fauci was helped by the media—and the intelligence community. With hindsight, however, both President Trump and Navarro have been completely vindicated.Fauci has been completely discredited—and as jaded as we already are, we found ourselves taken aback at just how duplicitous Fauci really was. Out of necessity, we’re going to cover a number of dates, so we hope that you'll bear with us.

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