The Truth about Enter the Pizzagate - Shattering the Illusion (Full Documentary) Truth about Enter the Pizzagate - Shattering the Illusion (Full Documentary) more
Enter the Pizzagate part 1 Documentary exploring the PizzaGate and PedoGate controversies, not necessarily focusing on the information that has been regurgitated over and over in alternative and mainstream media, but showing that pedophilia and satanism have been around for decades in elite cultures. the Pizzagate part 1 Documentary exploring the PizzaGate and PedoGate controversies, not necessarily focusing on the information that has been regurgitated over and over in alternative and mains...See more
Documentary exploring the PizzaGate and PedoGate controversies, not necessarily focusing on the information that has been regurgitated over and over in alternative and mainstream media, but showing th...
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